

Arcade / Taito 1986


Arkanoid, a classic arcade game developed by Taito, first hit the gaming scene in 1986. A revolutionary take on the concept of Pong, it combined the simple mechanics of bouncing a ball against a wall with engaging and increasingly challenging levels. The player controls a paddle, known as the “Vaus,” to deflect a ball towards a wall of colored bricks, attempting to clear the screen. Power-ups and unique brick configurations added depth to the gameplay, making Arkanoid an enduring and influential title in the arcade gaming landscape.

Arkanoid emerged from the fertile minds at Taito Corporation, a Japanese game developer. Released as a spiritual successor to their earlier hit, Breakout, Arkanoid aimed to elevate the classic brick-breaking concept. Its development marked a shift in arcade gaming, introducing innovative features like power-ups and a variety of levels, all while maintaining the addictive simplicity of its predecessors.

Arkanoid received widespread acclaim for its addictive gameplay, sleek design, and innovative mechanics. Gamers and critics alike praised its challenging levels and the introduction of power-ups, setting a new standard for the genre. Its success in arcades translated to various home platforms, solidifying its status as a classic.

Arkanoid spawned numerous adaptations and sequels across different platforms, including home consoles and personal computers. Notable iterations include Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh, Arkanoid: Doh It Again, and Arkanoid Returns. The game’s influence is also evident in various breakout-style games that followed.

Original Arkanoid arcade cabinets have become collector’s items, with their rarity contributing to their value. Though exact production numbers are challenging to pin down, the scarcity of these cabinets, especially in well-preserved condition, has increased their desirability among collectors. Prices for an original Arkanoid cabinet can vary widely based on factors like condition and location, with some units fetching considerable sums in the collector’s market.

Arkanoid’s arcade hardware featured a custom design by Taito. The primary components include a Z80 processor, discrete logic circuits, and a dedicated sound chip. For collectors and enthusiasts looking to maintain or restore an Arkanoid cabinet, common repair parts include replacement microswitches for the controls, power supplies, and, if necessary, replacement monitor components. Resources detailing the hardware specifications and repair guides are available online for those seeking to preserve the legacy of this iconic arcade game.

Arcade Video Game Price and Field Guide:

Conversion Kit, Countertop
Genre: Brick Buster


Lower – 650
Average – 725
Higher – 900


Lower -900
Average – 1100
Higher – 1275

One of the most popular conversion kits post-1984 for arcade operators. A reworking of Atari’s Breakout with updated sounds and graphics.  Bootlegs are very common. Dedicated countertop version were sold through the company Supertop.

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